- Recently Published Papers -
Effects of COVID-19 virus-like particles on the behavioral and cognitive performance of human apolipoprotein E targeted replacement mice
Abigail O’niel, Alexandra Pederson, Elizabeth Saltonstall, Kayla Nguyen, Monzerrat Pantoja, Mitali Chaudhari, Phoebe Sandholm, Eric Yoon, Henry F. Harrison, Sydney Boutros, Alec J. Hirsch, & Jacob Raber
Effects of photon irradiation in the presence and absence of hindlimb unloading on the behavioral performance and metabolic pathways in the plasma of Fischer rats
Jacob Raber, Sarah Holden, Kat Kessler, Breanna Glaeser, Chloe McQuesten, Mitali Chaudhari, Fiona Stenzel, Marek Lenarczyk, Scott Willem Leonard, Jeffrey Morre, Jaewoo Choi, Amy Kronenberg, Alexander Borg, Andy Kwok, Jan Frederik Stevens, Christopher Olsen, Jeffrey S. Willey, Gerd Bobe, Jessica Minnier, & John E. Baker
-Raber Lab News-
Updated opportunities for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. “Neuroscience of Aging, Neurodegeneration and Alzheimer's Disease” NIAA T32 (MPIs Raber, Urbanski) renewed (2023-2028).